Software Project Rescue

If your bespoke software project’s gone wrong or you’ve fallen out with your software developer, we can quickly get your business back on track.

There are lots of reasons why bespoke software projects fail, or your new software isn’t fit for purpose; but the fallout is usually that you’re left in a mess with an incomplete or failing system and a business that’s suffering as a result. Your priority is to get things back on track and fast.

How we can help you

In all these situations and more, we are able to help. Our experienced Architects, Software Developers and Analysts have seen it all before. They are able to quickly get to the bottom of the problem, explain what’s happened and how it can be fixed, and get to work on correcting the problem for you, so you can get on with running your business.

Some of the ways we have rescued software projects include:

  • Recovering “lost” source code from compiled executables or web servers
  • Rebuilding broken source code repositories so in-house teams can work on the system again
  • Tuning poorly performing databases
  • Taking on old systems written in obsolete programming languages, maintaining them and then updating them with new technology
  • Rewriting or fixing bugs in poor quality systems
  • Documenting code
  • Decoding complicated binary files so our customer can read and process supposedly lost data

The problem

Your company may be in one or a combination of the following situations:

  • You outsourced your project offshore and found it to be poor quality – either supposedly finished or definitely unfinished.
  • Your software is not fit for purpose.
  • The software development company or developer you work with has gone out of business mid-way through a project, or when they are meant to be supporting you.
  • The software developer you work with is an independent consultant and has moved on.
  • You have fallen out with your current bespoke software company or developer due to project slippage or poor quality.
  • You do or don’t have source code.
  • The software uses bad or old programming languages.